with 2 fountains and oblisk and the Sienne river near by and the wide walk towards the Arc de triumph and against the assembly building and never ending traffic by the side.. there is a magic about this place.. each element of the scene needs talking..
am a keen observer of the telecom, device and internet convergence for the last decade or so.. and most of those years I had been associated with telecom industry supporting the service providers. Its very interesting story - Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Apple, Nokia.. you name it; they are all household appliances now.. none can think of a world without them.. On to that excitement I would add some drab stuff of IT services which makes it all work at the end of the day - the SDLCs, the SCRUMs, the PMPs, the AGILEs of the world.. thats the organisation and mind space of the people who is in midst of all this - continuously creating innovation, improvement and resulting growth in services and its usage..welcome to my blog..
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