Sunday, October 09, 2011

Place de La Concorde - or the most beautiful place in Paris

with 2 fountains and oblisk and the Sienne river near by and the wide walk towards the Arc de triumph and against the assembly building and never ending traffic by the side.. there is a magic about this place.. each element of the scene needs talking..

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Lady with swan - Fontana delle Naiadi - Rome

A wonderful fountain photograph from Rome, unveiled 1902 by Mario Rutelli at Piazza Del Repubblica known as Fontana delle Naiadi. the fountain has got four wings with women holding various water living animals - snake in river, swan in lake etc... this particular statue still looked living like even with all its moss and years of dirt... I loved this for the loveable expression.. I can see her in real. You can also see the sea God at the center of the fountain (in backdrop in this photo)